Interior Design

Mr.Lee's Mansion

Changwon, South Korea
1F 122m² | 2F 113m²

After completing the Kim's Mansion project, we took on another mansion project. The client discovered OHHH Studio during a site visit and was drawn to our meticulous construction techniques and unique interior style while observing the progress of our work on the Kim's Mansion project. They expressed a desire to work with us and patiently waited for the opportunity. We did our best to ensure a high level of satisfaction and completion, as they had waited for us.

Kim’s Mansion 프로젝트가 끝남과 동시에 진행된 또 다른 저택 프로젝트. 이 프로젝트의 건축주님은 사전 답사 중 OHHH Studio를 알게 되었고, OHHH Studio가 Kim’s Mansion 프로젝트를 진행하는 동안 OHHH Studio의 작업 진행 과정을 지켜보면서 꼼꼼한 시공 테크닉과 독특한 인테리어 스타일에 끌려 꼭 OHHH Studio와 함께 작업하고 싶다고 생각해서 무작정 기다리셨다고 했다. 기다린만큼 만족도와 완성도를 높이기 위해 최선을 다했던 작업이었다. 

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︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.