Interior Design


Changwon, South Korea
1F 72m²

As people increasingly realize the importance of self-care in today's busy modern society, commercial facilities related to appearance such as gyms, beauty salons, nail shops, and waxing shops are rapidly increasing. While external beauty is important, inner beauty is equally important. 'YP.PROJECT' means their space is for people's inner selves and they aim to pursue external beauty within that space. Let's take a look into their clear, transparent, and pure inner selves like their souls.

바쁜 현대사회 속에서도 자기관리의 중요성을 깨닫고 그것을 실천하는 사람들이 늘어나 헬스장, 미용실, 네일샵, 왁싱샵 등 외모와 관련된 상업시설들이 급격하게 늘어났다. 외적으로 보여지는 아름다움도 중요하지만 내면의 미도 중요한 법, ‘YP.PROJECT’는 그들의 공간을 사람의 내면이라 뜻하고 그 속에서 외적인 아름다움을 추구하고자 했다. 그들의 영혼처럼 맑고 투명하며 순수한 내면을 함께 들여다 보도록 하자.   


︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.


︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.


︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.

︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.


︎ When clicking on a small image, it opens up in an enlarged picture.